58, The Tithonus Poem ("All of you: ...")


(Lobel-Page 58 – Σαπφώ – English translation)

Fragment 58.1

(NOTE: Cologne Papyrus, preceding the main "Tithonus" text.)

] no [

] I pray [

] now let there be good cheer [

] beneath the earth may surround with

Great renown, having the Muses' gift as it seems,

Altogether at me they may marvel, as now on earth I am;

They call me swallow-sweet, whenever taking up my lyre –

Either an eight-string or the tortoise shell – at weddings I sing.

Fragment 58.2

(NOTE: Oxford Papyrus, preceding the main "Tithonus" text.)

] fleeing [

] stung [

] [gods but⠀⠀⠀every one]

] [earth

indeed she] [who takes your name

set] the mouth to its progress.

Fragment 58.3 ("The Tithonus Poem")

All of you: after the violet-girdled Muses' fine gifts, children,

Make haste, and after that shrill song-loving lyre.

My tender – once long ago it was – skin, old age now

Has seized; white my hair has turned from black.

Heavy my soul has been made, my knees don't carry,

Which back then were as nimble to caper as fawns.

These indeed I lament often. But what could I do?

Ageless, being mortal, one can't possibly become.

And for once Tithonus, they say, rosy-armed Eos –

Love-impelled – did go to the ends of earth bringing, him

Being beautiful and young; but nonetheless he was seized

At length by grey age, having an immortal for a spouse.

Fragment 58.4

(NOTE: Cologne Papyrus, succeeding the main "Tithonus" text. "Whisper-weaving" (or "rumor-weaving") and "guileful" are likely epithets of Aphrodite. Probably not by Sappho.)

Whisper-weaving, guileful word-worker,

Scheming child whom life [

Companion – I slink away: [


] breathless [

Light of stars, along with the brilliance

] the blazing Sun's brilliance

] everything I hear: [lament

] Oeagrus' son Orpheus [

] crawling beasts all [

] my lovely [

Good-sounding lyre [

Collaborator taking all [

Fragment 58.5

(NOTE: Oxford Papyrus, succeeding the main "Tithonus" text.)

indeed would] believe

sacred] may grant

Yet I do love splendour; this, and for me, the

Brightness of sun – beauty, too – my love has won.