44, Hector and Andromache


(Lobel-Page 44 – Σαπφώ – English translation)

Fragment 44.1 ("The Wedding of Hector and Andromache")




Cyprus [⠀⠀⠀].

The herald came dashing [

Idaeus here carried the news, quick messenger:


And the rest of Asia; on this earth, deathless renown!

"Hector and his comrades are bringing she, swivelling-eyed,

From within holy Thebes by the ever-gushing Plakia –

Delicate Andromache! – in ships on the briny

Sea, with many gold bracelets and girdles

"Purple and perfumed, colourful accessories,

Numberless silver cups and ivory."

Thus he spoke. Promptly leapt up his dear father;

Word went throughout the vast city to friends;

At once the Iliadae under cars well-wheeled

Yoked their mules, on board with a full throng

Of women alongside girls soft-ankled – and

Separately, moreover, Priam's own daughters got on;

Horses drawn by men under curved chariots,

All the men bachelors, greatly [

Carriage. The charioteers [








] like gods [

] immaculate altogether [

Started [⠀⠀⠀] towards Ilium,

Aulos sweet-tuned with cithara mixed, and

With the click of castanets; then shrilly maidens were

Singing a sacred song attaining the heavens [

Echo divine, laughter [

Everywhere was throughout the streets [

Wine bowls, saucers [

Myrrh with cassia, with frankincense mixed.

The women cried out, every last one among the older;

All the men chanted aloud – lovely and high –

Invoking Paean, sure-aimed, top lyricist,

Hymning Hector and Andromache the godlike.

Fragment 44A(a)

] [mountain

Phoebus, golden-haired, mothered by Coeus' daughter

Who mingled cloud-high with Cronus' great-named son;

Yet Artemis, by the gods, took a great oath of abstinence –

"By this your head: ever a virgin shall I be,

Unwedded, but on solitary mountaintops

Hunting; come and nod yes to these for my sake."

Thus she spoke. Then you nodded, father of blessed gods.

Virgin deer-shooting huntress: – gods and

Mortals both call her by that great title.

To her, limb-loosening Eros never comes near,

] [undaunted

Fragment 44A(b)

[I am




Muses radiant [

Make even the Graces [

Slender [footed

Don't forget the wrath [

Mortals. Among [
