17, Hymn to Hera ("Here and now I pray...")


(πλάσιον δή μ’ εὐχομέναι – Σαπφώ – English translation)

Here and now I pray for the appearance,

Lady Hera, of your beauteous form;

The Atreides once prayed to you – those

Elect kings.

Concluding their multitude of toils,

First around Ilium by sea then destined

Hither began their voyage; though to finish

They managed not,

Until you and Zeus, lord of suppliants, they invoked

Along with Thyone's charming son.

So now be gentle of heart, and aid me

As you did in antiquity.

Chaste and beautiful [

Maiden [

Around [



[⠀⠀⠀] [gracious

To be [

To arrive at the temple.