

(L'Histoire de Juliette ou les Prospérités du vice [Juliette, or Vice Amply Rewarded] – Marquis de Sade – English translation)

Read the original text in French here.

A complete English translation by Austryn Wainhouse can be found on readfrom.net. As this translation may not be in the public domain, I cannot provide a direct link to it, but you can find it by typing "Juliette de Sade" into the search bar.

It was at the convent of Panthemont that Justine and I were raised. You must know already of the celebrity of that abbey; and you know it was from her very bosom that, for a good many years, the prettiest and most libertine women of Paris had emerged. Euphrosine, a young lady whose tracks I wish to follow, and who used to live in my parents' neighborhood until she had escaped her paternal household to throw herself into libertinage, was my companion at the convent; and as it was from her and a nun friend of hers that I received the first principles of my morals which you might have been surprised to find in me, young as I was, in the story my sister has just finished relating to you, I must, it seems, first and foremost introduce the two women to you... and thus will you obtain an exact account of the first instances in my life where, seduced, corrupted by this pair of sirens, the sprout of all vices was born in the depths of my heart.

The nun I speak of was called Madame Delbène; she had been the abbess of the house five years, and approached her thirtieth year when I made her acquaintance. To be prettier than her was impossible: made as she was a quintessential subject for painting, she had a sweet and celestial visage, blonde hair, large blue eyes filled with tenderest interest, and a form which rivals that of the Graces. A victim of unbridled ambition, young Delbène had been placed at the age of twelve in a cloister, so that an elder brother, whom she detested, might have been rendered wealthier. Imprisoned at the age when the passions first begin to express themselves, although Delbène did not have a say in the decision, as she loved the world and men in general, it wasn't without immolating herself and coming triumphant through the severest trials that she had at last determined to obey. Very advanced for her age, having read all the philosophers and contemplated prodigiously, Delbène, though condemned to her retreat, had indeed made herself, with some maneuvering, two or three friends. They came to see her, to console her; and since she was exceedingly rich, they continued to furnish her with all the books and delights she desired, even those that, inevitably, most inflamed one's imagination... which already burned bright, and would not be cooled by mere seclusion.

As for Euphrosine, she was fifteen when I attached myself to her; for eighteen months she had been Madame Delbène's pupil when the two of them proposed that I entered their society, the day I came to be thirteen years of age. Euphrosine had a swarthy complexion, was tall for her age, remarkably slender, with very pretty eyes, spirited and vivacious, but was less pretty and much less interesting than her superior.

I have no need to tell you that a penchant for the voluptuous is, among recluse women, the singular motive behind their intimacy; it is not virtue that bonds them, it is fucking; one is pleased by her whom one renders aroused, one makes a friend of her with whom one makes love. Endowed with a most active temperament, since the age of nine, I had accustomed my fingers to respond to the desires of my mind, and I had aspired, since then, to nothing but the happiness of finding at last an occasion where I might be properly taught, and plunged by my own hands into a career to which my precocious nature had already opened the doors, with such gladness. Euphrosine and Delbène were soon to offer me what I had sought. The superior, who wished to undertake the task of my education, had one day invited me to lunch... Euphrosine was there; the air was incredibly sultry, and the sun's excessive ardour had served as an excuse for the disorder I found the two in: they were such that, apart from a gauze shirt, which was held in place by a large bow of roseate ribbon, they were, in truth, nearly naked.

"Since you first entered into our house," Madame Delbène said to me, kissing me quite inattentively on the forehead, "I've always desired to know you more intimately. You are very pretty, you seem to have an air of wittiness, and young girls like you have some quite certain rights over me... You blush, little angel, but that I must forbid you; modesty is but a chimera; singularly resulted from customs and education, it is what one calls a way of habit; as Nature had created man and woman naked, it is impossible that she, at the same time, would have given them aversion or shame for appearing as such. If man had followed always the principles of Nature, he would not have known modesty: such is the fateful truth which proves, my dear child, that there are certain virtues which have been cradled nowhere other than in the disregard for Nature's laws. How one might twist the Christian morality, then, in scrutiny of all the principles that compose it! But we will talk more of that later. Now, let us speak of something else, and undress you as we have ourselves."

Then, they approached me, the two coquettes, smiling, and soon had me in the same state as them. Madame Delbène's kisses had adopted, then, a totally different character...

"How pretty she is, my Juliette!" she cried in admiration; "how her delicious little bosom starts to heave! Euphrosine, already she's more amply formed than you... and yet she's only thirteen."

Our charming superior's fingers were tickling the roseate berries of my breasts, and her tongue fluttered in my mouth. She soon noticed that her caresses were agitating my senses with such great influence that I would have too easily been overwhelmed.

"Oh, fuck!" she said, no longer containing herself and surprising me with the energy of her expressions. "Good God, what temperament! My friends, let us restrain ourselves no more: to the Devil with all that veils yet from our eyes the allures that Nature never created to be hidden!"

And immediately tossing away the gauze that enveloped her, she appeared to our eyes like Venus to whom the Greeks paid their homage. It was impossible to be better made, to have a skin more white... more sweet... to possess a more beautiful, more pronounced form. Euphrosine, who imitated her almost at once, did not offer me as many charms; she was not as plump as Madame Delbène; a little more bronzed, perhaps she should have pleased less generally; but what eyes! what spirit! Swayed by so many allures, and fervently solicited, by the two women to whom they belonged, to renounce as they had all restraints of modesty, you may believe quite certainly that I'd given in. At the heart of a most tender intoxication, Delbène took me to her bed and devoured me with kisses.

"One moment," she said, entirely ablaze; "wait a second, my good friends, let us put a bit of order into our pleasures, for one cannot be ravished by it that has no rules."

At those words, she spread my legs wide apart, and, lying in bed flat on her belly, her head came between my thighs, and she lapped at my cunt while offering to my companion the most beautiful buttocks to which one could possibly bear witness, receiving from the pretty little girl's fingers the same service her tongue was rendering me. Euphrosine, well instructed in acts that suited Delbène's fancy, interspersed amidst her pollutions vigorous slaps on the woman's behind, that the effect appeared to me unmistakable on our lovely instructress' physical being. Fiercely electrified by such libertinage, the whore devoured the nectar that she made spurt out at every instant from my little cunt. Sometimes she broke off to look at me... to observe me in such a state of pleasure.

"How beautiful she is!" cried the tribade... "Oh! good God, how interesting she is! Do it to me, Euphrosine, fuck me, my love; I want to die drunk on her cunt! Let us swap, change things up," she cried a moment later; "dear Euphrosine, you must want it from me now; I don't think I can provide you with all the pleasures you have just given me... Wait, my little angels, I will finger you both at the same time."

She placed us on the bed, next to each other; by her advice our hands crossed over, and we reciprocally polluted each other. Her tongue was inserted, first, into the interior of Euphrosine's cunt, and with each of her hands she tickled our buttholes; she let go sometimes of my companion's cunt to come and pump mine, and thus each receiving thrice the pleasure at once, you may judge for yourself how we had discharged. After a few moments, the coquette turned us over. We presented to her our buttocks, and she fingered us from beneath while she tongued our anuses. She was praising our haunches, slapping them, and making us die of pleasure. She rose, like a priestess of Bacchus:

"Do unto me all that I have done unto you," she said, "finger me, both of you; I'll lie in your arms, Juliette, I'll kiss your mouth, our tongues will recoil... they'll thrust... they'll suck. You'll shove this dildo in my womb," she pursued, handing the thing over to me; "and you, my Euphrosine, you'll take charge of my buttocks, and stimulate me with this small device; infinitely straiter than my cunt, this is all it'll need... You, my puss," she continued, kissing me, "you must not neglect my clitoris; it is the veritable seat of pleasure in a woman; rub until you've chafed it, I am quite tough... I'm exhausted, I'll be needing something strong; I want to distill myself into lube with you, I want to discharge twenty times back to back if I can."

O God! how we'd tried to repay her in the very thing she lent us! it is impossible to work with more ardour at giving pleasure to a woman... impossible, too, to find one who savours it more. We dressed ourselves.

"My angel," the charming creature said to me, "I cannot express to you the pleasure I have had in making your acquaintance; you are a delicious girl; I will associate with you all my pleasures, and you'll see that it is possible to relish them quite zealously, although we are deprived of men's company. Ask Euphrosine whether she is content with me."

"Oh, my love! see what my kisses prove to you!" said our young friend as she threw herself upon Delbène's breast; "it is to you that I owe whatever consciousness of my being I possess; you have formed my soul, disengaged it from the stupid prejudices of childhood: it is through you alone that I exist in this world; ah! how fortunate Juliette would be, if you'd deign to take her into your very same care."

"Yes," responded Madame Delbène, "yes, I want to charge myself with her education, I want to dissipate in her, as I have in you, these infamous religious prestiges which disrupt all the felicity of life, I want to guide her back to the principles of Nature, and make her see that all the fables with which they bewitched her soul are but made to be disdained. Let us dine, my friends, let us restore ourselves; when one has discharged profusely, one must make up for what one has lost."

A delicious meal, which we took naked, had soon replaced in us the energy necessary for a second round. We fell again to fingering each other... we plunged again, all three of us, this time devising a thousand new poses, into the most climactic excesses of lubricity. Changing our roles at every moment, sometimes we were the wives of those whom we, a moment later, become the husbands of, and thus deluding Nature, we had forced her for an entire day to coronate with her sweetest voluptuousness all the debaucheries with which we overwhelmed her.
